Hi, I am sara
This is probably the 3rd version of this blog because... Well I am barely a Millennial and almost too young to be a Get x'er sooo that makes me technologically impaired with just enough confidence to think I can and not enough knowledge sometimes to actually follow through!
oh... that's a Zennial!
If I tried to write an actual biography or description of myself I would ramble on for 4 chapters and bore you out of your mind. This seemed to be a fair compromise-iffff I can figure it out.
My photo above has to be one of my favorites ever. Even if I was totally out of my comfort zone. I traded head shots with the most lovely colleague one beautiful Kansas evening just a few days after my 42nd birthday. It felt like a bit of a "coming out", like yahoo-this is MY year!! What a perfect place to begin with a little about me!
I am a Missouri Native who moved to Texas and then split the difference and landed in Kansas. I am a mom of two phenomenally creative humans-and we all suffer from a little self diagnosed ADHD.
I feel with my eyes. All scenes that play out before me are loaded with emotion and wonder. It's why I have ALWAYS wanted to be a photographer... So maybe I could help the world see everyday things the way I see them.
I have dabbled in everything and found I am pretty decent at a lot of things, which is my toxic trait because I try to do it all. I am outgoing, and perceived as very confident, but on the inside some days I question myself a lot.
I believe in God, I always go in to battle fiery and then get convicted with love and compassion.
I love the outdoors and summer most.
My husband says I am fun, spontaneous to a fault (I think he means I can admit when I am wrong), but down to earth.
My friends say I am "the consummate Professional" always planning and strategizing to make sure all the bases are covered.
IF you know me personally, what would you add?